I tried to defined the what user wants, what is the problem, how can we improve.
As a user I would want to know about new mining features, invest in Miner hardware to boost mining ability but it is expensive, see every profit that I make every day, and know if this can benefit me before investing money.
But this new mining DHX is entirely new to me, I need to learn how it works. If you would like to mine bit-coin, can you do it immediately? No, I have to study what are the requirements and what to do, if I am not familiar with the mining concept this will be difficult to understand
Once I understand the concept, it will be easy to mine but to have higher revenue I have to purchase expensive mining hardware or invest in MXC. To successfully understand the whole system they might need to try a trial and error process to learn this whole thing.
DHX mining revenue can be smaller than they expected and this could cause frustration.
Datadash app has too many functions it is hard to navigate and etc...